Two fans of Doctor Who, one marathon viewing of every episode of the series from 1963 to the present.
Running through corridors is optional.
Running through corridors is optional.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Story #198 - The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008)
Sarah -
There's a reason I haven't watched this two-parter since first broadcast. There are some nice moments with the TARDIS Superfriends, but mostly I find it extremely annoying. I doubt I'll be going back to watch this anytime soon.
Harry -
There is no doubt that when RTD puts on a blockbuster, it's one hell of a blockbuster. A Doctor and a half, multiple companions from different eras, Torchwood, UNIT, K-9... it's a surprise they couldn't find a way to send someone on a ride in Bessie. Whew!
It takes so long to give everyone adequate screen time that part one is almost half over before the Superfriends can rally to face the invasion of the new Dalek empire.
Sarah -
It’s great getting the old gang together and "The Stolen Earth" is watchable. I’m not going to complain when Martha, Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Sarah Jane, Mickey, Jackie, and Harriet Jones turn up, but it all ends up feeling like “A Very Special Episode of Doctor Who.” So much of the dialogue is so, so very cheesy.
Things get worse in "Journey’s End". I can’t even with so much of this story. There are few things I truly loathe in Doctor Who and the Handy Doctor tops the list. WTF, RTD? Rose getting her little Doctor clone boyfriend makes me want to yell at the screen.
Harry -
The other inescapable hallmark of the RTD era is that the Doctor has to have a girlfriend, or a wannabe girlfriend, and when the girlfriends can't have the Doctor, then they get other boyfriends instead. RTD just loves to play matchmaker. I think it's all shit, but it is what it is. Let's move on.
Look at us! It's possible for people to not like some aspects of Doctor Who without moaning and trolling and avowing to hate the show forever because it's been ruined for us. Some people need to have a word with themselves.
Sarah -
As soon as we’ve finished discussing this story, I will revert to believing none of it never happened.
Harry -
Let's go back to the Dalek invasion. Now this one was believable -- as the believability of these things go. We won't see scores of Dalek ships and legions of attacking Daleks on this scale for a while. Entire planets have been shifted to one place and their combined gravitational pull has enough energy to power the reality bomb, the most destructive weapon ever created. A scheme on this level requires the strategic tactics of the Supreme Dalek, the scientific brilliance of Davros, and the jibbering madness of Dalek Caan. It's the ultimate troika of doom.
While the Superfriends gather and rally together, the Dalek leaders are dismissive of one another, each wanting to be the ultimate leader. Except for Dalek Caan who sits there flailing and giggling and prophesying disaster and death.
Sarah -
Dalek Caan is all kinds of wackadoodle. The whole idea is completely batty.
Harry -
I always liked how the Supreme Dalek wanted nothing to do with Dalek Caan: "The abomination is insane!"
Julian Bleach plays an excellent Davros, frighteningly cold and contained when he comes face to face with the Doctor. It's only when he starts going on about the reality bomb that his megalomania kicks in and he delivers a classic Davros rant. The essence of Davros is so terrifying: he wants the absolute power to destroy everything in the universe and is ready to unleash that power. He would be totally satisfied to live in an empty universe, completely lifeless but for himself and his creations. It's completely mad.
Sarah -
I have nothing but good things to say about Bleach’s performance. This is about as positive as I’m going to get. Now it’s time to get back to ranting.
On to the faux regeneration: “Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but soon as I was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to. Why would I? Look at me.” I yelled not very kind words at the Doctor at this point. Hint: they rhyme with “duck who.” Seriously, get over yourself, already.
Harry -
The Tenth Doctor is at his worst when he lets everyone know how delighted he is with himself. It's a bad look.
Sarah -
And then the greatest insult. Donna’s memory wiped. Honestly, I don’t even want to talk about this anymore. It all just makes me too angry. RTD should have ended it here.
Harry -
The wildly inconsistent application of mind-wiping in Doctor Who causes no end of dismay. Surely, having just demonstrated that he could reverse a regeneration and prevent his own death in a very show-offy manner, the Doctor should have been able to reverse the effect it had on Donna. Forcing her character to forget everything was one of RTD's worst crimes.
The blockbuster begins with a bang but ends on a very sour note. I really liked the first part, but massive points got deducted over the creation of a "Doctor boyfriend" for Rose, and the inexcusable ruination of Donna.
For an era that is very well remembered, the Tenth Doctor's final stories are tinged with a lot of disappointments and bad memories as a viewer. Yes, Sarah, let us move on!
Sarah -
Best Line:
Donna: "Oi, watch it, spaceman."
Handy Doctor: "Oi, watch it, Earth girl."
At least it made me laugh
Favorite Moment: The end.
Lasting Image: Harriet’s prescient Zoom meeting.
Harry -
Best Line: the Daleks playing along with the "Yes, we know who you are" gag.
Favourite Moment: Tennant and Tate impersonating each other as the DoctorDonna and clone Doctor.
Lasting Image: the Superfriends all around the TARDIS console.
Our marathon continues with Story #199: The Next Doctor...
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