Harry -
This is a fascinating story, one that reaches deep into Doctor Who's past for source material and invites contemporary viewers to choose which of two options they prefer.
This is a fascinating story, one that reaches deep into Doctor Who's past for source material and invites contemporary viewers to choose which of two options they prefer.
It begins in a village setting, with the Doctor and his friends becoming embroiled in an alien invasion story like something out of the Pertwee era.
It splits into a second narrative, with the Doctor and his friends becoming increasingly suspicious of what they are experiencing, trapped in a TARDIS gone haywire like the early Hartnell era story "The Edge of Destruction".
As our friends bounce back and forth between realities, an enigmatic character appears to goad and taunt them, bringing a whole other element of mystery to the whole thing. This is definitely not your standard base under siege story... or is it?
Sarah -
I couldn’t remember anything about "Amy’s Choice" before this rewatch, so it all felt almost brand-new. I can’t imagine why I didn’t remember it, because I’m a sucker for both alternative-reality and base-under-siege stories -- not to mention it’s a cracking story.
I love Toby Jones as the Dream Lord. Well, to be fair I pretty much love Toby Jones in everything. His menacing contempt for the Doctor was perfect. It was great to watch this story fresh and get to learn the Dream Lord is the manifestation of the darker parts of the Doctor all over again.
Harry -
Big yes to Toby Jones! How many things have we seen him in, and each time he gives a standout performance by crafting a character who goes against everyone else's grain with a smile.
The first time I watched "Amy's Choice", I remember my mind racing at the possibilities. Was the Dream Lord a classic baddie in new form, like the Master or the Valeyard? Could it be the Meddling Monk, or maybe even the Celestial Toymaker?
Sarah -
I love that we have a standard list of classic era characters we want to turn up whenever there’s a mysterious character. They’re bound to turn up eventually.
Harry -
Or at least get a shout out.
Or at least get a shout out.
Eventually, the Dream Lord was revealed to be a distillation of the Doctor's innermost jerky, condescending darkness, perhaps the worst of them all.
Sarah -
The multiple Doctor story we were never expecting!
The multiple Doctor story we were never expecting!
Harry -
But long before the resolution, there is the choice. Even before the choice, there is the mystery. I loved how the tension in this story started escalating as soon as the TARDIS team began flipping back and forth between two time periods. Which was real, the initial post-dreaming scene aboard the TARDIS, or the cosy life of Upper Leadworth, complete with pregnant Amy and long-haired Rory?
But long before the resolution, there is the choice. Even before the choice, there is the mystery. I loved how the tension in this story started escalating as soon as the TARDIS team began flipping back and forth between two time periods. Which was real, the initial post-dreaming scene aboard the TARDIS, or the cosy life of Upper Leadworth, complete with pregnant Amy and long-haired Rory?
Sarah -
Can we talk about Rory’s hair or is it best to let it be?
Can we talk about Rory’s hair or is it best to let it be?
Harry -
Probably best to let it be. Who knows when it might turn up again.
Probably best to let it be. Who knows when it might turn up again.
Anyway, it was all a case of psychic pollen getting into the TARDIS works and temporarily infecting everyone aboard. Whew! Got to change those filters regularly. Anyway, Amy made the right choice. Didn't she?
Sarah -
She most certainly did! Let's move on to the next adventure -- I've been looking forward to the story and I do love a two-parter.
She most certainly did! Let's move on to the next adventure -- I've been looking forward to the story and I do love a two-parter.
Best Quote:
DOCTOR: Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet.
AMY: I'm pregnant.
DOCTOR: You're huge.
AMY: Yeah, I'm pregnant.
DOCTOR: Look at you. When worlds collide.
AMY: Doctor, I'm pregnant.
DOCTOR: Oh, look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and size.
AMY: Oh, it's good to see you, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Are you pregnant?
AMY: I'm pregnant.
DOCTOR: You're huge.
AMY: Yeah, I'm pregnant.
DOCTOR: Look at you. When worlds collide.
AMY: Doctor, I'm pregnant.
DOCTOR: Oh, look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and size.
AMY: Oh, it's good to see you, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Are you pregnant?
Favorite Moment: Amy and Rory reunited with the Doctor
Lasting Image: The Dream Lord in the TARDIS
Harry -
Best Quote:
AMY: Shall I run and get the manual?
DOCTOR: I threw it in a supernova.
AMY: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
DOCTOR: Because I disagreed with it.
Best Quote:
AMY: Shall I run and get the manual?
DOCTOR: I threw it in a supernova.
AMY: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
DOCTOR: Because I disagreed with it.
Favourite Moment: The "You've swallowed a planet" exchange.
Lasting Image: our three friends napping on the bench. Love a good nap.