Harry -
I have often seen it said that "Robot" is one of those classic Doctor Who stories that we should show to new viewers. It's got so much to recommend it: the classic UNIT setting, Sarah Jane at her investigative best, the Brigadier, Benton and the troops shooting at a giant rampaging robot, and a new Doctor at his most manic and irresistible. This story has got it all, which makes it great for fans both new and old.
Sarah -
"Robot" is one of those stories that I never get tired of watching. It's always wonderful.
Harry -
By maintaining all the trappings of a classic Pertwee story, Terrance Dicks allows us to take in The Tom Baker Experience in a comfortable setting. The new Doctor is utterly bonkers, all wide-eyed, wild-haired and with three rows of teeth. It was a brilliant move to introduce this sheer force of nature in a comfortable setting, rather than having him shoot off to some bizarre planet in the 4th universe right off the bat.
Sarah -
It's brilliant that Terrance Dicks invented a tradition that the outgoing script editor is in charge of writing the next season opener, so he could pad his resume and make sure the series had continuity.
Harry -
It also gave him great material for DVDs and convention appearances.
Sarah -
Which is where the real money is!
This is also Barry Letts' final story as producer and the last appearance of UNIT and the Brig for a while. It's nice to have one more story before we have to say goodbye.
This is also Barry Letts' final story as producer and the last appearance of UNIT and the Brig for a while. It's nice to have one more story before we have to say goodbye.
Harry -
And I must say, this new naval doctor that they've introduced is quite the smashing chappy, wouldn't you say Sarah?
Sarah -
That he is, Old Boy!
Ian Marter was cast before the producers knew who would be the next Doctor, and was envisioned as being a bit of an Ian Chesterton-type character -- the young man who could muck about if an older actor was cast. Needless to say, things didn't quite go that way, but I like having more than one companion back in the TARDIS.
Ian Marter was cast before the producers knew who would be the next Doctor, and was envisioned as being a bit of an Ian Chesterton-type character -- the young man who could muck about if an older actor was cast. Needless to say, things didn't quite go that way, but I like having more than one companion back in the TARDIS.
Harry -
I very much like this TARDIS team: a madcap Doctor counterbalanced by two plucky, mature companions. All action, no friction.
Sarah -
I love teams in the TARDIS. I have a soft spot for any era that has more than one companion.
Harry -
This story also sees the beginning of the Hinchcliffe horror era. Philip Hinchcliffe was tabbed to succeed Letts as show producer, and their transition overlapped on this story and some subsequent ones. I've never really kept track of how many homages to classic horror films the Hinchcliffe era produced, but we start this one with an obvious nod to King Kong. I loved Sarah Jane's Fay Wray moment when the giant robot scooped her up.
Sarah -
It's an obvious homage, but how can you not love it? Everyone's on the Robot's (and Kong's) side. The world just doesn't understand them.
Harry -
Was not so wild when they cut to the Sarah Jane doll in the robot's metal pincer. Its legs were flailing as if she'd broken every bone beneath the waist.
We might as well address what I think is this story's one major negative: epic prop failures. The Sarah dolly, the toy tank, even the robot itself were well intentioned, but I had to cringe. Poor Michael Kilgarriff looked like he was about to topple over in every scene - that or the robot costume threatened to fly apart if he made a sudden move.
I don't know, maybe you found these things more charming than me?
We might as well address what I think is this story's one major negative: epic prop failures. The Sarah dolly, the toy tank, even the robot itself were well intentioned, but I had to cringe. Poor Michael Kilgarriff looked like he was about to topple over in every scene - that or the robot costume threatened to fly apart if he made a sudden move.
I don't know, maybe you found these things more charming than me?
Sarah -
At moments like this, I find that resorting to finding the charm in the moment is usually the best plan. I mean, it is what it is, right?
When they bring folks back for the DVD extras, this is the sort of thing that they're always the most embarrassed to talk about.
Speaking of Michael Kilgarriff, what a voice! I would listen to the Robot say anything!
When they bring folks back for the DVD extras, this is the sort of thing that they're always the most embarrassed to talk about.
Speaking of Michael Kilgarriff, what a voice! I would listen to the Robot say anything!
Harry -
He does have a voice with great presence - and we'll see (or rather hear) him one more time in a Cyberman story many moons from now.
But of course the best guest role in "Robot" has to be that crazy-haired, muttering ball of nerves Professor Kettlewell, played by Edward Burnham. Now that's an unforgettable character.
But of course the best guest role in "Robot" has to be that crazy-haired, muttering ball of nerves Professor Kettlewell, played by Edward Burnham. Now that's an unforgettable character.
Sarah -
Oh, that hair. You know, no matter how many times I see Robot, I'm always surprised when Kettlewell is revealed to be the leader of the baddies!
Harry -
It's so unexpected, and his demise is so tragic, that I forget too. And we haven't even touched on the other baddies yet. Revenge of the Nerds, aka Hilda Winters and the Scientific Reform Society! I love the whole neo-fascist look and feel to the SRS - complete with rallies and uniforms. Fancy! Just the sort of people who would attempt to trigger a global holocaust.
Sarah -
That little SRS dweeb that meets with Sarah is perfect casting. He looks like he's never actually conversed with a woman before, the little worm.
Harry -
Everyone loves a good monster, but I like it when we get good Earthbound human villains in Doctor Who. Salamander, Tobias Vaughn, and parallel-universe-Brigadier-and-Liz were all memorable. You can add Ms. Winters and her cronies to that lot.
Sarah -
The bad humans are my absolute favorite baddies -- so much hubris!
Harry -
It's too bad the robot is the titular character and sort-of-menace that everyone ends up having to deal with. But my gosh it's great that the new Doctor got to take one more rollicking spin in old Bessie with Harry at the wheel. I love that scene. At that moment, the new Doctor wins a place in our hearts. He's younger and wilder, but still smart and heroic. With Sarah and Harry by his side, the future has never looked brighter.
Sarah -
He may not use Venusian Aikido, but he'll gladly hop over the top of a jeep to give chase!
We've finally reached the era of Our Doctor. As many times as I've seen every Tom Baker story, I can't wait to watch them all again!
We've finally reached the era of Our Doctor. As many times as I've seen every Tom Baker story, I can't wait to watch them all again!
Harry -
I hate to cut it short, but I want to watch the next one, like right now! Shall we declare "Robot" an untouchable triumph from every angle (epic prop failures excused) and see where our trio of friends are off to next?
Sarah -
Would you like a jelly baby?
Would you like a jelly baby?
Harry -
Why thank you dearie!
Sarah -
Best Line: "There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes."
Favorite Moment: It's hard to pick one, but I'll go with the Doctor's post-regeneration antics.
Lasting Image: The Doctor offering Sarah a jelly baby just before hopping into the TARDIS.
Favorite Moment: It's hard to pick one, but I'll go with the Doctor's post-regeneration antics.
Lasting Image: The Doctor offering Sarah a jelly baby just before hopping into the TARDIS.
Harry -
Best line: "James Bond!" Sarah's sarcastic commentary on Harry's espionage skills.
Favourite moment: the Doctor trying on new clothes.
Lasting image: the Doctor and Harry jumping rope.
Favourite moment: the Doctor trying on new clothes.
Lasting image: the Doctor and Harry jumping rope.

Our marathon continues with Story #76: The Ark in Space...
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