Two fans of Doctor Who, one marathon viewing of every episode of the series from 1963 to the present.

Running through corridors is optional.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Story #217 - The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People (2011)

Harry -
I had forgotten most of this story, other than the part about rebel flesh becoming almost people.

As we enter the middle section of this season, we get a big dose of Moffat’s story arc, but not as much as we probably realized on first viewing.

Sarah -
It's a whole different experience this time around. I remember being often confused when series six debuted. What I remember most about this story is how creeped out I was by the gangers.

Harry -
The gangers are particularly creepy whenever we see them midway through their formation into human copies. Those warped porcelain faces are unforgettable.

Right off the bat this story had a strong Pertwee-era vibe. The Doctor arrives at a remote facility where some dodgy environmental activity is going on, in this case involving lots of acid. The low morals of the place are immediately on display as we see its workforce seemingly put less value into a co-worker's life than into preserving his acid suit. Mac Hulke would have been raging at this corporation.

Sarah - 
You could totally drop Pertwee’s Doctor and Jo right into this story, which would have to be written by Hulke. Some things never change when it comes to screwing the workers.

Harry - 
It doesn't take long for the TARDIS team to discover what the gangers are. And the moral dilemmas continue. Are the gangers real lifeforms? Do they deserve to live as long as the humans they are based on? Before everyone can work out the ethics of these questions, the gangers run amok, and things get confusing.

The confusion reigns as we lose track of some characters. Well, I did anyway.  Is this one human or ganger? Has Rory come to the aid of Jennifer, or is it ganger Jennifer? And which Doctor is the real one? Lots of material for a merry chase around the medieval castle (which was a nice touch for an out-of-the-way facility instead of a sterile lab closed to outside observation).

Despite the story opening with the Doctor puzzling over Amy's yes/no pregnancy, she seemed to be once again shunted aside from the main action. She did get another moment of being startled by the woman who keeps peeking at her through walls. Amy's big moment was saved for the bizarre reveal at the end.

Sarah - 
The more I think about this story, the less I like it. The whole point of the gangers is to get to Amy’s reveal – and it’s a big one! The story might have been stronger and more interesting as one episode. The gangers are only there to support the Amy storyline. If a company is doing work this dangerous, why not build robots and avoid the existential crisis? And what’s with Rory taking the side of the gangers over the Doctor and Amy? And where’s the real Amy?

Harry -
I have more questions now than before!  This was very much the vibe I felt through most of this season.

Sarah - 
Best Line: 
Amy: Doctor, I am frightened. I’m properly, properly scared.
The Doctor: Don’t be, hold on. We’re coming for you, I swear that whatever happens, however hard, however far, we will find you.
Amy: I’m right here.
The Doctor: No you’re not. You haven’t been here for a long long time.
Amy: Oh no.

Favorite Moment: Jimmy being reunited with his son.

Lasting Image: The gangers in the goop.


Harry -
Best Line:
Doctor: I've to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose. [*smiles wistfully*] I never thought I'd have to say that again. 

Favourite Moment: the big twist at the end.

Lasting Image: the porcelain-faced gangers for sure.


Our marathon continues with Story # 218: A Good Man Goes to War...

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