Two fans of Doctor Who, one marathon viewing of every episode of the series from 1963 to the present.

Running through corridors is optional.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Story #140 - The Two Doctors (1985)

Harry -
Sarah, I think we should start by getting this out of the way:


Sarah -
I will happily SQUEEEE for Patrick Troughton and Frazer Hines!

Multi-Doctor stories can be tricky affairs, but it's always wonderful to see beloved friends again.

Harry -
What a charming opening scene. The chemistry between Patrick and Frazer is like they'd never been apart. With Victoria off on a side trip of her own, the boys are traveling to a research centre aboard a space station.

Sarah -
Further deepening the Season 6B fan theories!

Harry -
I love how Season 6B has taken on a life of its own in alternate Doctor Who media. Especially how it helps explain away the obviously older looking Doctor and Jamie.

As a 1985 three-parter, "The Two Doctors" is equivalent to a classic six-parter. If these two had spent the entire time talking in the console room, I would have been just fine with that.

Sarah -
I love the black and white opening, with its shift to color.

Harry -
In keeping with the notion of Season 6B, the Doctor is visiting Dastari -- head scientist at the research station -- as an unofficial emissary of the Time Lords.

Sarah -
Oh, the Time Lords and their meddling ways. So much for non-interference.

Harry -
The TARDIS lands in the station's kitchens, lair of the repulsive chef Shockeye, an Androgum savage who feasts his eyes on Jamie's flesh.

Sarah -
Shockeye has got to be the most disgusting character in Doctor Who history. There's really nothing to like about him, is there?

Harry -
As villains go, Shockeye is a triumph. I absolutely, positively loathe him. Bravo to John Stratton on a memorably repugnant performance.

Beating a hasty departure from the kitchens, the Doctor and Jamie find their way to Dastari's office. This is another eye-catching example of 80s future-design. Dark greys and light neons combine in the background, and a large collection of globes takes up almost an entire wall. With his grey combed-back hair, thick white sunglasses and metallic black bodysuit, Dastari looks like some kind of Italian fashion designer.

Sarah -
Doesn't he just? I'm sure I must have been quite impressed by the design back in the day.

Harry -
The Doctor presents him with a cease and desist request on behalf of Gallifrey. The Time Lords are concerned about time experiments being conducted at the station by Kartz and Reimer, who have assembled a nearly-functional time travel machine.

Dastari laughs the request off, suggesting that the Time Lords only concern about the experiments is that they threaten their monopoly on time. He then introduces his own subject of experimentation, another Androgum savage named Chessene, whose body and mind he has augmented to the level of super-genius. After a quick introduction, she departs and sets about her own business: arranging an attack on the research station. Unbeknownst to Dastari, she has been conspiring with an invasion force that suddenly makes its strike.

Sarah -
Sontaran battlecruisers on the scene! Dastari collapses! Jamie runs away at the Doctor's command! The Doctor finds himself facing the business end of a Sontaran gun! Feels like old times!

Harry -
Multiple-villain stories are my favourite. So many rivalries, double-crossings and double-double-crossings, as we'll see later on.

Sarah -
Meanwhile, the Sixth Doctor and Peri are fishing and sunbathing on the shore of a lake somewhere.

Harry -
Confession time: after the brilliant opening with the Second Doctor and Jamie, I was a bit disheartened when they cut to the fishing scene, where the JN-T era played out in microcosm. We see the smarty-pants Doctor in a horrendously over-thought costume, the bosomy companion bored and whiny, and not much else happening. Gah, what a letdown from the first scene.

Sarah -
I'm so glad you brought up the costuming. What the hell is with Peri's? I spent the entire story thinking her breasts should have gotten separate billing, given all their screen time.

Harry -
Not even Robert Holmes could pen a smooth transition between the eras. Of all the Doctors to set up side-by-side with the belovèd Patrick Troughton, it fell to poor old grumbly Colin Baker. His entire time as the Doctor plays out like a series of short straws.

Sarah -
Poor Colin -- how many times have we typed that so far? I think he makes the most of what he's been given in "The Two Doctors" and has some really good moments, even if he has to be cranky towards his former self.

When gumblejacks aren't biting, they pack it up and head into the TARDIS -- where the Doctor collapses. Meanwhile, the Second Doctor is trapped in a glass chamber, being tortured by a Sontaran.

One of the most interesting things about this story is seeing the impact of what is happening to the Second Doctor on the Sixth Doctor. This is the first example of many in this story and each time it happens, I find myself wondering how the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Doctors are reacting.

Harry -
Guessing that the Third Doctor might have felt temporarily woozy before resuming his Venusian aikido lesson. The Fifth Doctor would have collapsed into a coma for sure. As for the Fourth Doctor, maybe it was like those times where he'd go still and stare off into space for a moment, before someone snapped him out of it again.

Sarah -
All those moments are now a permanent part of my head canon!

Harry -
Sixie immediately identifies that a timeslip has occurred, and decides he needs to see a professional, setting course for the research station and his old friend Dastari. What a coincidence! Maybe Dastari's name flickered across the Doctor's mind as an echo of the encounter that the Second Doctor had just had.

Sarah -
Say what you will about Sixie, he's a man of action while those other three can't be arsed to lend a hand to their previous self!

Harry -
The TARDIS arrives, after the events in the Second Doctor's timestream. The station is darkened and cloaked with the scent of death. The Doctor finds Dastari's journal, which recorded the intervention of the Time Lords, but not what happened after.

While Peri and the Doctor set off into the station's infrastructure and deal with an aggressive onboard computer, we see that the Second Doctor has been kidnapped to Earth. The Sontarans, Chessene, Shockeye and Dastari set up in an isolated hacienda in Spain. There is where they will complete the Kartz-Reimer time machine, using the Doctor's DNA to stabilize the biometric thingamajiggy.

Sarah -
How convenient that they should select Spain as their destination -- just when JN-T was in need of a holiday! What were the chances of that?

Harry -
No kidding eh! This story was originally proposed for New Orleans, but the BBC wouldn't spring for the travel budget so they had to settle for Spain. Honestly, it's not until the final chase through the streets of Seville that the location ever really figures in the story. The villains could have holed up in a house in Croydon and it would have been the same story.

Sarah -
Holiday in Croydon? Perish the thought!

Harry -
Back on the research station, the Doctor and Peri spend an inordinate amount of time climbing through the infrastructure piping before Peri is attacked and the Doctor momentarily rendered unconscious by a spray of gas triggered by the computer. Cue extreme close up of the Doctor's unconscious face! When Peri slaps him awake again, they discover that Jamie has been hiding out in the same place. After Jamie gives them the rundown on his Doctor's argument with Dastari and the Sontaran attack, the Doctor forges a mind link with his previous incarnation. After hearing the bell of Seville cathedral, he knows where they must set off in pursuit. It was so easy to figure out!

Sarah -
That's quite the distinctive bell. Peri's initial run in with Jamie is just creepy. He attacks her under a tarp with some awkward rolling around before she knocks him out. It's icky.

Harry -
They did do a good job making Frazer look filthy and he played "disoriented" well, giving an indication of how long Jamie had been hiding out in there.

The TARDIS arrives in a field near the hacienda, where our friends encounter Oscar -- thespian, restauranteur and moth collector -- and his probably very patient friend Anita. Oscar relates that he saw a group matching the villains description carrying the Second Doctor into the hacienda. Our heroes draw up a plan of action. Anita is to guide the Doctor and Jamie to the back entrance, where they will sneak inside through the cellar; Peri is to distract the baddies by knocking on the front door; and Oscar will basically stay put.

Sarah -
Oh, Oscar. Poor, unfortunate Oscar. He's like a poor man's Henry Gordon Jago -- without the charm.

Harry -

So, when Dastari augmented Chessene, she was given the ability to read minds. This sets up the odd scene where the Second Doctor is hauled up from the cellar and wheeled around so that Chessene can observe Peri's reaction. Only, this isn't Peri's Doctor, and Peri decides to depart of her own accord. She had provided enough of a distraction for the Doctor to -- once again -- help himself to tinkering with someone else's time machine. It's like an addiction with him. Anyway, he and Jamie hang around too long, as the Sontaran Stike captures them.

Sarah -
Is it just me or do these Sontarans look a bit anemic? Someone should feed them a proper meal, not that we need to encourage Shockeye with that...

Harry -
I must have seen this story before any of the earlier Sontaran ones, because it was implanted in my mind early on that the Sontarans were tall, lean and wore black, as we see here. In the new series, the short Sontarans in blue armour blew my mind. I wouldn't mind a new non-Strax Sontaran story, especially during the Capaldi era.

Anyway, Peri doesn't get far before realizing that Shockeye is in pursuit, determined to make a meal of her flesh. She stumbles and he looms over her looking disgustingly lecherous. Cue extreme close up of Peri's frightened face! Part three continues the scene, as Shockeye knocks her unconscious and carries her back to the hacienda.

Sarah -
Shockeye is so vile and creepy, but I'm pretty sure he's the first alien who isn't trying to snog Peri. Just, you know, have her for dinner. Ick.

Harry -
He's so disgusting it's unreal. Back in the cellar, a quick stab of the knife by Jamie disables Stike long enough for he and the Doctor to escape the cellar, where they are reunited with the Second Doctor, still stuck in his wheelchair.

Sarah -
I love their first encounter:

Sixie: "I've come a long way for you."
Second Doctor: "Naturally. Don't expect any thanks."

Can you imagine having to have a conversation with yourself? The horror!

Harry -
Here is where the story becomes a runaround through the hacienda. It seems like everyone takes a turn chasing someone, or being chased, or being captured and escaping again while the plot sits there unfurthered. It harkened back to the Pertwee six-parters, where there was a lot of this kind of padding, and repeated cycles of capture-escape-capture. It almost felt like Patrick Troughton had been under-utilized since his kidnapping from the space station.

Sarah -
Despite all the running about, the third episode is by far my favorite episode of the story.

Harry -
But wait, a brain storm of Bob Holmesian proportions!

Chessene suddenly declares that she wants a consort, and demands that Dastari converts the Second Doctor into an Androgum hybrid.

Sarah -
Of course she does, while offering Shockeye as the donor of the Androgum DNA. Such a delightful lady she is.

Harry -
A quick couple of procedures and the transformation takes place. That Dastari is good. Did I mention under-utilized characters? The Sontarans finally get bored of all the standing around waiting for their time machine, so they plot to kill off everyone in the hacienda. Chessene of course hatches a counter-plot and attacks them with poison gas.

Sarah -
A double double-cross!

Harry -
Amid all that mayhem, Shockeye and his new Androgum cousin sneak off to town for a spot of lunch. And so begins one of the most bizarre chases in all of Doctor Who.

Sarah -
The restaurant scene is what I most remember about this story. Patrick Troughton is hysterical and looks like he's having the time of his life, chewing up the scenery.

Harry -
In his final performance as the Doctor, Troughton gives it his all and it's unforgettable. He pulls the maddest faces as an Androgum, marching arm-in-arm with Shockeye to Seville.

Sarah -
They end up in poor Oscar's restaurant, which features my favorite moment of "The Two Doctors":

SHOCKEYE: Do you serve humans here?
OSCAR: Most of the time, sir. Yes, I think I could venture to say that most of our customers are certainly human.
SHOCKEYE: I mean human meat, you fawning imbecile.
OSCAR: No, sir. I'm afraid the nouvelle cuisine has not yet penetrated this establishment.

I was dying over the last line. Only Bob Holmes could have written that!

Harry -
The restaurant scene is like a crazy-ass mashup of Doctor Who, Fawlty Towers and Are You Being Served?, quite literally. It was worth it for JN-T to finagle a vacation in Spain, just so we could get to watch the madness at Las Cadenas.

Sarah -
Alas, things don't go well when poor Oscar has to demand payment. Still, he performs the most over-the-top death scene in the entire history of Doctor Who, so that's something.

Harry -
Oscar's death scene is the best, no exaggeration. His self-absorbed pathos and flair for language leads to one of my favourite quotes, ever:

OSCAR: I'm afraid this is Botcherby's last curtain call.
ANITA: Oh, no!
OSCAR: No one will ever see my definitive Hamlet now.

Rolling on the floor laughing, every time.

Like I said, it was worth it for JN-T to go abroad if we were able to enjoy the death scene of all death scenes.

Sarah -
It's absolutely perfect.

Harry -
After all that, Shockeye leads everyone in beating a retreat to the hacienda for a final showdown. After trying -- and failing -- to slaughter Jamie, Shockeye finally meets his "just desserts" when the Doctor murders him with some of Oscar's bottled cyanide (another very convenient thing). In a last minute face-turn, Dastari declares regret for his attempts to put Chessene above the gods, and she responds by shooting him dead. She then dives into the Kartz-Reimer time machine to make a run for it, but thanks to Sixie's earlier tinkering it blows up and takes her with it.

Sarah -
Anyone who believes the Doctor can't be violent has clearly never seen "The Two Doctors". It's all in self-defense, but he's fairly ruthless about the whole thing.

Harry -
And ready with a quip of course.  The Doctor's capacity for murder is glossed over in this era, despite the particularly violent examples of it. 

So with all the baddies destroyed, the Doctors and companions make their farewells. I think this model is a better example of how to do a multiple-Doctors story. Instead of cramming every living Doctor into it, Robert Holmes crafted a fun adventure featuring the current 80s Doctor and a loveable favourite from the 60s. I wish we could have this kind of pairing in the new series. Smith and McCoy, Capaldi and McGann, Tennant and Davison... oh wait we did get that one, however brief!

Sarah -
I've love to see McGann get some more screen time -- especially with Capaldi!

Harry -
Padding and runarounds aside, I could watch this one over and over.

Sarah -
While I'm a huge fan of Bob Holmes' work, I think he worked best under a strong script editor. I imagine Eric Saward just telling him to have at it and Holmes feeling like a kid in a candy store. The script has a lot of problems that I can't get past, despite all the delightful moments with old friends.

Harry -
Best Line: "No one will ever see my definitive Hamlet now." Always!

Favourite Moment: the Second Doctor's ineffectual ranting while confined in the cellar. "Oh my giddy aunt. Oh crumbs."

Lasting Image: the Second Doctor and Shockeye at the restaurant.


Sarah -
Best Line: "No, sir. I'm afraid the nouvelle cuisine has not yet penetrated this establishment."
Oh, but imagine when it does!

Favorite Moment: The Second Doctor and Shockeye in the restaurant.

Lasting Imagine: The Second Doctor and Shockeye walking into town.



Our marathon continues with Story #141: Timelash...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Story #139 - The Mark of the Rani (1985)

Harry -
Unless I've suppressed some memories, this is the one and only pseudo-historical of the Colin Baker era.

Sarah -
Fun fact: The inclusion of George Stephenson in "The Mark of the Rani" makes this the first historical since "The Gunfighters" to feature an actual historical figure.

Harry -
On the surface, the story is very simple -- the Doctor goes back in Earth's history to stop a renegade Time Lord whilst staving off the meddling machinations of the Master. Seems simple enough, but so many little things in this story didn't work for me, resulting in a negative impression overall.

Sarah -
There are some interesting things in the story, but in the end the script is just a mess. There are six words that can strike fear in the heart of even the most steadfast of Doctor Who fans: "Written by Pip and Jane Baker."

Harry -
We are about to view all the Pip and Jane Baker stories in quick succession, so we'll be able to confirm whether or not their much-maligned reputation is deserved.

Sarah -
And then they will all be out of the way. Huzzah! (Aren't I the cynic today?)

Harry -
One thing they did differently was to start the story without any console room bickering between the Doctor and Peri.

Sarah -
Refreshing, isn't it?

Harry -
Right away, we see that the Doctor is distracted because the TARDIS is being manipulated off course. There is puzzlement, rather than pandemonium. Are the Time Lords at it again? we wonder. Whatever or whomever is behind it, the TARDIS makes its way to 19th century Earth, in the northeast of England -- land of the Geordies!

Sarah -
I love the establishing shots in Killingworth. They're so good you can almost smell the grit in the air. The use of Ironbridge Gorge is brilliant.

Harry -
Unfortunately, to foreign ears the Geordie accent, vocabulary and syntax can at times be almost indecipherable. It was for me and I'm usually good with accents. Most of the dialogue from the early scenes with the miners at the bath house was completely lost on me.

Sarah -
I've known some Geordies, so their accents weren't a problem for me, but I wondered if they might be for other North American viewers.

Harry -
The jist of the opening scene was: local miners, tired and dirty, head to the bath house, where they are promptly gassed.

Sarah -
That was unexpected. Even more unexpected was their unhinged behavior upon leaving the bathhouse -- rampaging through the village, smashing equipment, assaulting wagon drivers. What are the chances of the Doctor and Peri wandering into all this?

Harry -
They weren't guided there by accident. The TARDIS lands in a muddy patch just outside of town. The Doctor strides out for a looksee, followed by Peri in her Disney Princess costume -- she really nailed that look. One of the things that bugged me here was Peri's accent. Did it seem all over the place to you? Maybe the Geordies were throwing her off.

Sarah -
Her accent is usually all over the place. I usually decide to ignore it, as a kindness.

Harry -
Soon enough, our friends hear a ruckus and run to investigate. They save a man from the rampaging miners and he obliges them with a lift into town.

Little did they know... but the Master was watching everything unfold while pretending to be a scarecrow.

And little did they know... but when the Doctor's time disturbance doohickey picked up a time disturbance emanating from the bath house... it wasn't foolin'.

And little did they know... but they were about to meet George Stephenson, father of the Industrial Revolution and what have you!

While the Doctor and Peri talk their way into a meeting of the minds about to be convened there in Killingworth, the Master does some Mastery things. When a lovely black dog is spooked by his presence, he does away with it using his Tissue Compression Eliminator (poor doggy). The Master also kills one of the men guarding Lord Ravensworth's office -- where his lordship is greeting the Doctor and Peri. The Master then sets the miners after the Doctor and they quickly set out after him.

Sarah -
This entire story feels like a bunch of things happening because things have to happen in a story, even if they don't make a whole lot of sense -- so let's talk about the Rani! I've always enjoyed Kate O'Mara's portrayal of the Rani. She's a renegade Time Lord like the Doctor and the Master, but her motivations are entirely her own. She's a dedicated scientist, who isn't concerned with being good or evil. She just wants to get on with her work, regardless of the consequences to those around her.

Harry -
Kate O'Mara brings a much-needed shot in the arm to Doctor Who villainy. Her single-minded determination is chilling.

Sarah -
Having been exiled from Gallifrey, she has enslaved the planet Miasimia Goria, where her experiments have resulted in an restless, uncontrollable population that can't sleep. Ever the pragmatist, she heads to Earth during eras of upheaval to extract a chemical from the minds of humans that can be used to sedate the residents of Miasimia Goria. Unfortunately for the people of Earth, this process makes them restless and uncontrollable.

Harry -
The Rani probably reassures her Miasimia Gorian slaves by telling them they are more special than her Earth slaves.

Sarah -
Ha! The Master, whom we thought dead, has apparently arrived in Killingworth because the Rani is there, or is that a coincidence? Has he brought the Doctor to Killingworth or was that the work of the Time Lords?

Harry -
The Master could easily have been replaced with a different character, perhaps a younger Gallifreyan held in sway by the Rani, or even a human whom she'd brainwashed. It seemed, well, wasteful to have Anthony Ainley here.

Sarah -
In any case, the Master forces the Rani into a partnership, which leads to some of the best scenes in the story. I love the Rani's contempt for both the Doctor and the Master. She rolls her eyes at their ongoing adversarial relationship and the bro-mance that keeps bringing them back together. But most of all she just wants to get back to her damn work without the interference of these silly boys.

Harry -
She is utterly unimpressed with the Doctor and Master's relentless battling, which to her seems no more weighty than a Spy vs Spy comic. No longer the smartest mind in the room, the Master is relegated to an unexpected supporting role here. This is probably my least favourite Master story -- he's reduced to playing nothing more than an annoying troll.

Sarah -
I have to agree that it's a bit of a waste to use the Master this way.

Harry -
Even when the Doctor is captured and brought to the Rani's lair, the Master serves no purpose but to gloat. The Rani zeroes in on Peri and her useful human brain. The Master, however, demands that he take the Doctor away. As he does so, with both Peri and a vial of brain fluid as hostages, they roll the Doctor outside on a stretcher... right into the path of the rampaging miners. Peri accidentally sends the Doctor's stretcher hurtling downhill, right into the miners' hands. They propel him towards the open hole of a pit -- but wait, it's George Stephenson, action hero! He blocks the opening of the mine shaft and rescues the Doctor. With Peri in tow, they retreat to Lord Ravensworth's digs to regroup.

Sarah -
Did you notice that the hole looked barely large enough for Colin Baker to fit through, yet somehow the locals managed to chuck the TARDIS down what seemed to be the same hole?

Harry -
Well spotted.

Sarah -
Speaking of the TARDIS, this leads me to my favorite thing in the entire story -- the Rani's TARDIS! It's gorgeous and absolutely perfect for her character. I want a spinoff just so we can see more of her TARDIS!

Harry -
Yes! I was wondering if we'd have a difference of opinion about the Rani's TARDIS.

Sarah -
We are of one mind on this.

Harry -
I love the interior -- the combination of dark grey and pinkish-red accents screams 80s. The dinosaur embryos offer just the right "mad scientist" touch. I could stare at those circling rings above her console forever.

Sarah -
They're mesmerizing. And her wardrobe matches her TARDIS! Those were some fashion-forward leather pants, I must say. The Rani clearly got all the fashion sense in this round of regenerations.

Harry -
The Master proposes an alliance with the Rani, telling her they can utilize the brains of the geniuses who are assembling at Lord Ravensworth's. She is intrigued, or at least playing along with the Master before she can kick him out from under her feet.

Sarah -
I tend to think it's the latter.

Harry -
They set out on a completely random assignment of setting some land mines down in Redfern Dell. I guess Redfern Dell had it coming.

Sarah -
I'm still not clear on how this fit into the capturing-the-smart-blokes part of the plan, but whatever.

Harry -
From this point on, the story turns into a bog-standard runaround. The Doctor and Peri escape a mustard gas booby trap and enter the Rani's TARDIS. It seems to be one of the Doctor's unwritten rules that he gets to tamper with other people's TARDISes, and he makes a few "tweaks" to the Rani's console.

Sarah -
Here we go: a bunch of things happening because things have to happen in a story.

Harry -
As it turns out, the Rani has developed a remote control for her TARDIS, and it suddenly dematerializes down into the mines.

Sarah -
She's a clever one, that Rani!

Harry -
Meanwhile, someone remembered that Perpugilliam Brown was a botany student. To help the sleepless miners, she attempts to prepare a sleeping draught. Missing a vital herb, she sets out with Luke Ward to pick some... in Redfern Dell.

Sarah -
Peri finally has something to do and now it's become dangerous. There's something amusing about a botany student being turned into a tree, but trees probably don't make the best companions around the TARDIS. Alas, poor Luke is the first person to stumble across the dell, only to be turned into a tree. Because this is brave and handsome Luke, he manages to save Peri from trundling across the dell by restraining her with his branch.

Harry -
The writers made sure the Rani pointed out that her land mines turned animal matter into vegetable, and yet we end up with a sentient tree. Bizarre and also a cruel fate for Luke.

Sarah -
Meanwhile, the Doctor has acquired the tissue compression eliminator and uses it to hold the Master and Rani hostage. He forces the Rani to save Peri by leading her safely across the dell in what has to be one of the most tedious scenes in Doctor Who history.

Harry -
Yeah, I was regularly glancing at the clock by about this time.

Sarah -
The Doctor foolishly leaves Peri in charge of the other Time Lords while he attempts to calm the still-rampaging locals. He ends up tied to a pole and carried through the dell, where the locals conveniently turn into trees, while the Doctor narrowly escapes. Peri is, of course, outwitted by the Rani and the Master, who escape into the Rani's TARDIS. Unbeknownst to them, the Doctor has has sabotaged the navigational system and her TARDIS is out of control. The jar holding the t-rex crashes to the ground and the dinosaur begins to grow, because things have to happen in a story.

Harry -
Odd how the Rani and the Master were pinned to the walls by the acceleration, but the embryos were not.

Sarah -
There you go, asking all the uncomfortable questions. Back on Earth, the Doctor and Peri return the brain fluid to Stephenson, who apparently is expected to know how to get it back into the brains of the Rani's victims -- many of whom HAVE BEEN TURNED INTO TREES.

Harry -
It's all gone batty.

Sarah -
Quips are exchanged and the Doctor and Peri are off in the TARDIS, while an astonished Stephenson and Ravensworth look on.

Harry -
The only thing missing at the end was an incomprehensible quip from wor Geordies like.

Sarah -
While there are many things I like about this story, the script is just a mess. If you think about anything for too long, the story begins to crumble.

Harry -
It was, as you said, a collection of things that happen in a story.

Sarah -
There are many Doctor Who stories where a good script didn't get the production it deserved, but it's still a good script. I would argue "Warriors of the Deep" is a great script that suffered from shoddy production. "The Mark of the Rani" is the other end of the spectrum -- a shoddy script that is elevated by competent production.

Happily, Colin Baker is so good in this story and gets to be a proper Doctor. He and Peri seem to be getting along and work well together.

Harry -
It's disappointing that the ferocious fights in their first couple of stories cast such a shadow over our memories of their relationship.

Sarah -
I think fandom can become too focused on one thing in Doctor-companion relationships. Peri and the Doctor fighting all the time has become codified as the way it always was and always will be. We'll have to see how it goes from here.

Harry -
Colin and Nicola were both lovely here, ignoring the ebbs and flows of Peri's accent.

Sarah -
They really are. Pity they didn't have better material. The location shooting is glorious and Sarah Hellings' direction keeps the story moving. (On a side note, Hellings would be the last woman to direct Doctor Who in the classic era.) The Rani, of course, is brilliant. Still, the overall impression is just disappointing.

Harry -
Those poor sentient trees. They might still be out there in Redfern Dell, unless, as Peri noted earlier, they got mowed down by progress. Damn that bloody progress! *runs outside to rampage and smash machinery*

Sarah -
Best Line:
Ravensworth (as the Doctor and Peri enter the TARDIS): I will venture just one question, Doctor. What precisely do you do in there?
Doctor: Argue, mainly.

Favorite Moment: Entering the Rani's TARDIS

Lasting Image: The Rani's TARDIS, of course!


Harry -
Best Line:
Rani (putting down the Master): You're unbalanced. No wonder the Doctor always outwits you.

Favourite Moment: the Rani's TARDIS accelerates out of control, pinning her and the Master to the walls.

Lasting Image: Colin Baker's terrified face as he goes hurtling downhill on the stretcher (and no doubt hoping that the crew will be able to catch him).


Our marathon continues with Story #140 - The Two Doctors...