Two fans of Doctor Who, one marathon viewing of every episode of the series from 1963 to the present.

Running through corridors is optional.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Hartnell Era - Final Thoughts

Harry -
Before we move on to "The Power of the Daleks", let's take one more look at the Hartnell era, for old times' sake.

I've grown quite fond of the First Doctor, probably because he is the most enigmatic of them all. In any given story, he could be brave, cautious, cranky, noble, passionate, sensitive or just plain giggly. Sometimes all in the same scene! But he always maintained an aura of mystery about him, which I love.

Sarah -
As I mentioned at the end of our discussion of The Tenth Planet, I had only seen the first three Hartnell stories going into this project, so watching these stories has been a wonderful revelation for me.

I don't recall WTTW ever showing Hartnell stories back in the 80s, so the only glimpse I ever got of him was from The Three Doctors. "So, you're my replacements -- a dandy and a clown" is still among my all-time favorite Doctor Who lines. The First Doctor was so mysterious and elusive for me -- and continues to be after finally watching all his stories. I positively love William Hartnell's Doctor!

And then there are the companions. I never expected to come out of this viewing with a new favorite companion, but it's hard to top Barbara Wright. There was no doubt about whom I was going to cosplay at Chicago TARDIS last year -- even if I knew most of the attendees wouldn't know who the heck I was! Hopefully I sold some folks on going back to get to know Our Barbara.

Harry -
Barbara was a fantastic companion and a great influence on the Doctor. They both seemed to open each other's eyes to new ideas and new ways of seeing things.

I wasn't much of a Steven fan before, but I have a new appreciation for him and for Peter Purves. In an odd way, the unevenness of Steven's character made him more fascinating. You never knew if the bold adventuring Steven or the passively observing Steven would show up from one story to the next.

Sarah -
I will always cling to your Dodo theory: "She is mad. Leave her be."

Harry -
I have already mentioned how much I love Ben and Polly, and I'm glad we still have them with us for the time being.

As the show found its footing, and before it settled into comfortable patterns, we were treated to some really wacked-out stories in the Hartnell era. I'm thinking of "The Edge of Destruction", "The Web Planet" and "The Space Museum." I'd love to see this kind of experimental weirdness brought to new Who.

Sarah -
I love seeing where so many of the conventions of the show began. This has been a fantastic experience and I'm so happy we got to share it!

Harry -
And so, as the enigma lies on the TARDIS floor and the TARDIS goes wild, the special effects kick in and a new era beckons!

Sarah -
Onward to the Second Doctor!

Harry -
Cue theme music!

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