Two fans of Doctor Who, one marathon viewing of every episode of the series from 1963 to the present.

Running through corridors is optional.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Story #114 - The Keeper of Traken (1981)

Harry -
Romana and K-9 have stayed behind in E-Space, but the Doctor and Adric have to keep on Traken, all the way back to N-Space and the titular planet of this story.

So many familiar faces in this one!

Sarah -
I felt like I was visiting old friends! I still remember the first time I watched "The Keeper of Traken" and how wonderfully exciting it was. I have to admit I still felt a bit of that excitement on this viewing -- which is probably #10 or so. This is the magic of Doctor Who, isn't it?

Harry -
Absolutely, old chum. There's a nice sort-of-symmetry in that John Woodnutt -- who appeared as the Duke of Forgill in "Terror of the Zygons" at the start of Tom Baker's second season -- appears here as Soron in Tom's second-to-last story. Rrrrrolling his R's all the way as one of the Consuls of Traken. Can you believe we've just watched all but one Tom Baker story in a row and not gone doolally?

Sarah -
Of course I can! He's Tom Fecking Baker! He's OUR Doctor -- the person who made us Doctor Who fans forever and ever. This has been the best year of viewing ever, which hardly seemed possible after the past three years of great viewing! Oh ye of little faith, Harry. We've rocked this!

Harry -
It took us on average one year to get through each of the first three Doctors, and there were some weeks when it dragged, but it feels like we've gone through the entire Fourth Doctor era in the blink of an eye.

Sarah -
All those recons were a drag. A year each for three seasons of the first two Doctors, just under a year for five seasons of the Third Doctor, and just a tad over a year for seven seasons of our Fourth Doctor. I wonder how our schedule will run from here on. Will we hit a wall or continue our breezy pace? Will we survive the Sixth Doctor's wardrobe? Will I reconsider my violent loathing of Peri? Can we bear to watch the dreaded movie kiss one more time? So many unanswered questions -- stay tuned, kiddies!

We were discussing something, weren't we? Oh, yes, "The Keeper of Traken", meeting old friends, familiar faces, etc., etc., etc. Carry on, Old Boy.

Harry -
Another familiar face -- even though he's unrecognizable in this one -- is Denis Carey as the Keeper. He was none other than Professor Chronotis from "Shada".

There's one more fun fact to be had here, in that this is the only story where Adric is the Doctor's sole companion. Although we barely get halfway through before it looks like Adric's made a new friend on Traken.

Sarah -
Yes, hasn't he? Nyssa wasn't meant to be a companion when she was introduced, but we'll get to that soon enough.

Harry -
I like how both Adric and Nyssa got a sort of "soft launch" as companions, compared to others. But yes, we'll get to that soon enough.

The Traken Union! One of the most peaceful and harmonious places in the universe. It's so nice there that evil forces literally seize up and calcify there. Backed by the power of the Source and aided by a group of Consuls, the Keeper of Traken is the union's figure of leadership and wise judgement.

But all is not well. The Keeper senses that a presence of all-pervading evil has descended upon Traken, and he seeks out the Doctor for help.

Sarah -
You know peace, love, and understanding are great ideas in concept, but imagine how boring it could be living in such a perfect place.

Harry -
The Consuls found the time to get fitted in some really swish looking outfits. Their Renaissance-inspired robes stood out against the slightly more modern looking clothes of the proctor and other citizens.

Sarah -
Apparently, when everything is perfect and harmonious, there's a lot more free time to focus on wardrobe.

Harry -
Just before the TARDIS arrives, a dead body is discovered in a leafy grove. The Doctor and Adric are immediately surrounded at gunpoint. "I wonder what we've done this time," the Doctor asks, as he teaches Adric how to raise one's arms in surrender.

Sarah -
Of course a body is found just before they arrive. Bodies are usually found just before the TARDIS arrives. To be honest, I suspect the only time bodies are ever found anywhere in the known universe is just before the Doctor shows up to be blamed.

Harry -
It's one of those things that practically defines a Doctor Who story.

Sarah -
With that in mind, learning how to raise his hands in surrender may be one of the most useful things the Doctor ever taught Adric.

Harry -
Despite what we've heard from behind the scenes, the Doctor and Adric have a friendly partnership going here. I would have liked to see them in more adventures.

Sarah -
I would be a strong proponent of that.

Harry -
Anyway, they find themselves hauled before the Consuls for a rapid interrogation. Our friends protest their innocence, and the Consuls refer to the Keeper for advice. As soon as he appears, the Keeper is stricken by fear of an evil presence nearby. Everyone assumes he means the Doctor and Adric, but no one notices the enigmatic creature peeking through the doorway: the Melkur.

Sarah -
The Melkur -- Traken's personification of calcified evil. We first meet young Kassia, protege of the Keeper, and later a member of his council, when she was assigned to care for the Melkur. Maybe it's just knowing what's coming, but I find even her initial scenes with the Melkur disturbing. The Melkur is playing the long game, luring Kassia under his spell, just waiting for her to become a member of the council so he can launch his plan. And, then, of course, the Doctor shows up just in time to spoil his best-laid plans.

Sheila Ruskin certainly chews up the scenery as Kassia, but the real standout guest actor is Anthony Ainley as The Ma.... um, I mean as Tremas. He shines in every scene -- strong, intelligent, loyal, a doting father to Nyssa. Widowed and entering into a second marriage with Kassia, he is the planned successor to the Keeper. While the rest of the council falls under Kassia's influence and are suspicious of the Doctor, Tremas eventually believes the Doctor's story of being summoned by the Keeper -- and finds himself under suspicion.

Harry -
I love seeing Anthony Ainley here. His thoughtful, positive attitude as Tremas is a brilliant set up for what will befall the Consul. I never understood how or why the showrunners went ahead what that character's name, which is such an obvious anagram for another character's name. I'm sure there have been hundreds of rationalizations circulated among fanhood after the fact, but it's such a clunky note.

Sarah -
The Master hadn't appeared in five years, so I suspect it's more obvious in retrospect.

Harry -
Another thing I loved was Kassia's massively teased out mane of hair. Her and Nyssa both have amazing looks in this story. It's so 80s and yet it works quite well with their Trakenite clothes.

Sarah -
There was a whole lot of hair going on in this story!

Harry -
Despite being newlywed, Kassia does not hesitate to zap Tremas and throw him into a cell with the Doctor and Adric, as the Melkur exercises total power over her. The Melkur's plot comes to fruition at the end of Part Three. Kassia briefly takes the Keeper's place, before she herself gets zapped into oblivion and replaced by the Melkur.

Sarah -
Poor Kassia. She was just a pawn in the Melkur's hand, which is a sad end for such an interesting and strong character.

Harry -
Now, if this story were broadcast in the present day internet era, the true identity of the Melkur would have been plastered on every social media outlet even before broadcast. Watching this story now, I'm surprised how late they left the confirmation that the Melkur was in fact... the Master! There were certainly enough clues fed to everyone. It just felt a bit rushed towards the end, and the inevitable Doctor-Master confrontation was no more than a couple of minutes. These days, they produce entire two-parters around the two characters playing off each other.

Sarah -
I almost don't mind the quick confrontation because it leads us to the real shocker when the Master steals Tremas' body for his next regeneration!

Harry -
Kudos to Geoffrey Beevers for his brief albeit memorably grotesque turn as the rogue Gallifreyan.

Sarah -
Beevers' disfigured Master is wonderfully evil. "The Keeper of Traken" was my first Master story, so I didn't know much about his history with the Doctor. That said, I still remember how shocked I was by this scene. I love that the Doctor and Adric head off believing that all is well on Traken, while we're all screaming at the television trying to warn him!

Harry -
This was the Master at his evil worst - bodysnatching a still living body to inhabit. What a creep! On the plus side, this is the start of a fresh series of Master stories to enjoy.

Sarah -
Hooray for more Master stories!

Harry -
Overall, this was a very straightforward story by Johnny Byrne (not a name we are familiar with, is it?).

Sarah -
It's not! This is his first story and here's a fun fact: because Byrne created Nyssa and she was only intended to be in one story, he received royalties whenever her character was used.

Harry -
Good on you, Johnny Byrne.  It's the wonderful characters that bring "The Keeper of Traken" to life. Tom Baker and Matthew Waterhouse were both great here. Tom boisterous but restrained, Matthew clever and industrious.

Sarah -
I love that he managed to lure good girl Nyssa into joining his caper and being mischievous. Adric is excellent in this story!

Harry -
We have completed the penultimate story of the Fourth Doctor era. Shall we proceed to the grand finale?

Sarah -
With a deep breath and a sadness in my heart...

Harry -
Best Line:
DOCTOR: "You criticise my logic."
ADRIC: "No. No, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you don't really make sense."
DOCTOR: "Ah. Ah. Oh, you've noticed that, have you?"

Favourite Moment: The Master seizes Tremas' body.

Lasting Image: Kassia and her fantastic 'do.


Sarah -
Best Line:
The Doctor: "If I knew everything that was going to happen, where would the fun be?"

Favorite Moment: Absolutely the stealing of Tremas' body. It's one of the most shocking moments in Doctor Who and I love anticipating it!

Lasting Image: The Melkur -- I love that design!



Our marathon continues with Story #115 - Logopolis...

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